Sunday, 8 September 2013

Living Vintage

Another play. I love mature faces and of course the one I love most is my Nan's ( of course I'm biased). I'm not sure how she will feel being branded as 'Vintage' though, I always call her a recycled teenager. I turned a much loved photo that I took on our holibob of her to black and white, I then changed it to a pencil drawing and applied  the transparency tool to it. I then changed the colour to sepia and added elements that told of her life. I deliberately didn't add wartime images to it as she is very modest, almost dismissive of her service although she did some remarkable things. She worked as a commercial sewing machinist until she retired - when she first started on the machines they were big clumsy, cast iron treadle machines which were first converted to electric running from a light fitting! and then replaced with a series of more modern electric machines. As a child I remember meeting her from work, at that time she worked in a glove factory making gloves, she will still comment on the quality of a glove as there are distinct ways of telling for which company a glove was made for. In her time at the glove factory she worked on a variety of fabrics - satin, chiffon, lace, leather, suede, sheepskin and something she calls worsted which if I understand it correctly is a type of boiled wool.

I'm not sure whether I shall show her this page, she doesn't mind me using her photo's in anyway I see fit, I would never use them in a disrespectable way as they all tell such a wonderful story. I hope you enjoy a little bit of my family history xx

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