These are two scarves I have made danglers for. One for my Mother in Law and one for my Nan. These are such pretty Beaders Companion kits.
Friday, 29 November 2013
I've just made this cotton scarf danglers from a kit by Beaders Companion. Problem is its my colours, I love it BUT can I bear to give it away as a Christmas pressie???
Also, I want to send one of my regular Blog readers May all our love and best wishes to her and her hubby from everyone here at Sassie Acres xxx
Also, I want to send one of my regular Blog readers May all our love and best wishes to her and her hubby from everyone here at Sassie Acres xxx
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Its Me!
Hello everyone. I'm feeling much better again now and Thank You to Raggy Ann for stepping in and posting on my behalf.
I picked up a nasty cold and cough, which to most people would be little more than an irritation but unfortunately it put me in bed for several weeks. I ended up so weak and exhausted that I had to have a blood transfusion last week. I am now bouncing around again and catching up with all the things that got neglected.
This did give me the opportunity to do some CAPping and I am now up to date with my Christmas Cards (My word its creeping along quickly now). My things to do list seems to be growing longer rather than shorter at the moment.
Now this one is awaiting inspiration to hit for a caption! This is the image of Mr Sass, he can sleep anywhere and to be fair he probably wouldn't notice if we pushed the sofa outside while he was asleep!
.................... and finally, of course there had to be a proud Grannie moment didn't there?.
So as you can see Raggy Ann wasn't fibbing when she said I'd been keeping busy! There is also plenty of knitting and sewing on the go at the moment too. I have several UFO's (Un Finished Objects) that need doing, and hopefully I shall remember to take pictures of them and post here for you.
Take Care Everyone and Love to you All from All of Us at Sassie Acres
I picked up a nasty cold and cough, which to most people would be little more than an irritation but unfortunately it put me in bed for several weeks. I ended up so weak and exhausted that I had to have a blood transfusion last week. I am now bouncing around again and catching up with all the things that got neglected.
This did give me the opportunity to do some CAPping and I am now up to date with my Christmas Cards (My word its creeping along quickly now). My things to do list seems to be growing longer rather than shorter at the moment.
I just have a religious card to do now and that will be them all finished.
Now this one is awaiting inspiration to hit for a caption! This is the image of Mr Sass, he can sleep anywhere and to be fair he probably wouldn't notice if we pushed the sofa outside while he was asleep!
.................... and finally, of course there had to be a proud Grannie moment didn't there?.
So as you can see Raggy Ann wasn't fibbing when she said I'd been keeping busy! There is also plenty of knitting and sewing on the go at the moment too. I have several UFO's (Un Finished Objects) that need doing, and hopefully I shall remember to take pictures of them and post here for you.
Take Care Everyone and Love to you All from All of Us at Sassie Acres
Sunday, 24 November 2013
A Guest Blogger
Hello People I'm Sass' Guest Blogger - Sass has been a bit poorly lately but she is on the mend again. Hopefully she will be showing you what she's been up to really soon, she's not been idle while she's not been blogging.
I am a RagBag Dolly - I made myself with bits from Sass' scrapbag, I am about 4" high and I am going to hang around to help Sass out for a bit. She (That Sassie Woman) says she is going to put some ribbon on my head so I can be hanged up.
I'm sure I shall be seeing you all again soon
Lotts of Luve
Friday, 20 September 2013
Back in Time
Some more photo's from the depths of the tidy box. The photo above is of my Great Granny Wright. It must have been quite a trek in those days to go to Taunton to have a studio portrait taken and quite expensive too. We take nipping to Taunton for granted now and the journey takes about 25 minutes. The photo isn't on paper its on really thick card. She had 13 children of which my Grannie was the youngest.
The photo above is of my favourite great Auntie (although I loved them all dearly) These were taken not log after they married. I discovered that they were married at West Ham Registry office which was a surprise to me. Auntie Mabel prior to her marriage was in service, so she went from being below stairs to The Lady overnight. From being a servant to having a servant. Auntie Mabel and I shared a birthday and so she has always featured large in my life. I think these photo's of her and Uncle Bill are wonderful.
The photo above is of my favourite great Auntie (although I loved them all dearly) These were taken not log after they married. I discovered that they were married at West Ham Registry office which was a surprise to me. Auntie Mabel prior to her marriage was in service, so she went from being below stairs to The Lady overnight. From being a servant to having a servant. Auntie Mabel and I shared a birthday and so she has always featured large in my life. I think these photo's of her and Uncle Bill are wonderful.
Thursday, 19 September 2013
I knew it was a mistake ....
......... to let Nan have a wander through my big box of photo's to choose some more for her scrapbook! These are a selection that she chose based on the way I changed from baby to toddler and so on, this supplements the other page. I loved using the box frame it was a freebie on the Craft Artist Users FB page and I really found it a doddle to use. Also in these pictures are my Mum and Dad and my much loved Granddad who I called Ampy.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
My Little Cherubs
I don't have many photo's of my children for reasons we go into, but I have managed to beg, borrow and blag these. my children are the greatest achievement of my life and I love them dearly. Photo posing never was a pastime high on their list of enjoyment as you can see from the tear stained faces.
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
The Family Album
I love this photo above. It is my Great Aunt Bessie with my cousin Jack during the 2nd WW.
This photo is of my Grannie with 2 of her sisters, with my Mum, her cousins and their daughters. The garden this was taken in has lots of very happy memories for me.The above page is made up of 2 photo's. The top one of Christmas in the late 60's. I am the child sat on my Grannies lap.
I have a massive great tidy box of photo's which I am scrapbooking for my children. I am labelling who's who and where I have birth, marriage and death certificates I am tucking them into the back of the photo. I am really enjoying doing this and equally I am enjoying looking through my scrapbooks. My Nan's scrapbook is almost up to date now. So I can crack on with the other side of the family.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
A Wonderful Day
Isn't he wonderful? For various reasons I have missed out on so much of my Grandchildren's lives so to be able to spend as much time with this little darling is so very special. As you can see I just can't resist scrapping my photo's. Above is Grannie (Yes BlogBaby herself) with young Edward and below is Great Great Nan inspecting the latest addition to the family - her verdict? "He'll Do"
Monday, 9 September 2013
......... and more
This is my Granddaughter Amelia with her new baby brother, they are both so cute in this photo. Amelia is going to be such a help with Edward but with 2 older sisters it could become a battleground as they all adore him.
This is Edward with his Mum and Amelia, who is going to make sure that she isn't going to be far away from him.
This is my baby with his baby, don't I feel old! William is a passionate fisherman and can't wait to introduce Edward to it. Luckily for William his 3 girls love fishing so he never has shortage of company to go fishing with. I must admit at this size Edward would have to borrow a rod from a garden Gnome and there is a real danger that the bait might be bigger than he is!
This is Edward with his Mum and Amelia, who is going to make sure that she isn't going to be far away from him.
This is my baby with his baby, don't I feel old! William is a passionate fisherman and can't wait to introduce Edward to it. Luckily for William his 3 girls love fishing so he never has shortage of company to go fishing with. I must admit at this size Edward would have to borrow a rod from a garden Gnome and there is a real danger that the bait might be bigger than he is!
Look who came to meet Grannie today! This is the new addition to the Sassie Tribe young Edward Francis. My first Grandson and even if I say so myself a beautiful baby. The little girl in green is one of his big sisters Amelia. I'm so proud I could burst.
Sunday, 8 September 2013
Living Vintage
Another play. I love mature faces and of course the one I love most is my Nan's ( of course I'm biased). I'm not sure how she will feel being branded as 'Vintage' though, I always call her a recycled teenager. I turned a much loved photo that I took on our holibob of her to black and white, I then changed it to a pencil drawing and applied the transparency tool to it. I then changed the colour to sepia and added elements that told of her life. I deliberately didn't add wartime images to it as she is very modest, almost dismissive of her service although she did some remarkable things. She worked as a commercial sewing machinist until she retired - when she first started on the machines they were big clumsy, cast iron treadle machines which were first converted to electric running from a light fitting! and then replaced with a series of more modern electric machines. As a child I remember meeting her from work, at that time she worked in a glove factory making gloves, she will still comment on the quality of a glove as there are distinct ways of telling for which company a glove was made for. In her time at the glove factory she worked on a variety of fabrics - satin, chiffon, lace, leather, suede, sheepskin and something she calls worsted which if I understand it correctly is a type of boiled wool.
I'm not sure whether I shall show her this page, she doesn't mind me using her photo's in anyway I see fit, I would never use them in a disrespectable way as they all tell such a wonderful story. I hope you enjoy a little bit of my family history xx
I'm not sure whether I shall show her this page, she doesn't mind me using her photo's in anyway I see fit, I would never use them in a disrespectable way as they all tell such a wonderful story. I hope you enjoy a little bit of my family history xx
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Challenge for Daisy Trail
The picture above is the finished piece of work, I used my favourite picture from my holibobs of St Mawes pulled it out to full size gave the blending touch with the transparency tool added the weathered wood back ground. The image below is the compulsory element which I have shrunk down and put into the foreground. I then added some text and Bobs your Uncle (or in my case son) and away we go. Do nip over to Daisy Trail and see what other folk have done. There are such clever people around. This is Picture Play 2.
Friday, 6 September 2013
This is elements from a new kit which I thought would be great for the CAPpers homework on facebook. This months homework was blending techniques which you may have gathered is a favourite technique of mine. Of course I had to change it to my favourite colour too. I hope you like it. I have been awol for a couple of days, I had a short break in a NHS Hotel (hospital) I had some rotten chest pains that broke through my pain relief so ended up in hospital - thankfully nothing too serious and I'm home again xx
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Exciting News
So very excited tonight. My youngest son and his partner became the very proud parents of this little chap. He was born at 6.50pm and although he gave his Mummy a hard time they are both doing well. As for my son , he is a wreck but absolutely delighted. We now have 4 beautiful Granddaughter and a rather scrummy Grandson. I can't wait until I can visit, it won't be for a few days as they have just moved into a new house and they have to get the girls ready to go back to school on Thursday so Grannie Huggles will have to hold on a day or two.
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Blogbaby Now
So this is what Blogbaby grew into! She has had her perennial shearing so the hair is much shorter. Poor little Blogbaby if she knew then what she knows now she might not have been so keen to grow up. This is a lovely kit and of course if it turquoise I'm going to like it.
Saturday, 31 August 2013
Now this might not be too popular - but if someone says 'Tranquility' this is the image that pops into my mind. I saw this kit and there are the most beautiful waterlilies on it. We have a number of Bonzai trees which are just beautiful and when I have shifted my posterior to take them to shows this is the kind of feel I try to achieve. Now I have calmed myself down I am going to buzz of and do some more workroom tidying - I do now have a floor xx
Look Away if You are At ALL Nervy!
I try so hard to be a good Granddaughter and often fail miserably - now I have to admit that last night I had to bite my tongue hard while my Nan was talking about not being able to get nice Christmas Cards for her chapel friends. I am a real Bah Humbug! don't like Christmas, in fact the first sign of Commercial Christmas brings me out in a rash. So you can imagine my absolute horror at having a discussion about Christmas cards before August is over! So I nipped over to the lovely Joanna Sheens cds and nicked this image and put into CAP - all that remains is for me to think up or find a suitable verse. So after this burst of C activity I shall nip off and see if any of the big stores have got their Easter Eggs in yet! xx
Friday, 30 August 2013
New Sign for Workroom Door
I just thought I would use this new kit to make a sign to go onto the workroom door. I am having a mucking out session at the moment and its amazing what I have found that doesn't belong in here and more importantly doesn't belong to me! When people around here have a pile of 'stuff' they don't know what to do with, they open the door and chuck it in here!! It drives me mad. So here's hoping.
Scenes from a Cornish Holiday
These are two pages for my Nan's scrapbook. The top one features the Anklebiter and the dog Inca, seals from the Cornish seal Sanctuary at Gweek, two views of Port Isaac ( home of The Fishermens Friends and Doc Martin) and Boscastle. The bottom one is a view of from The Lizard Point, St Michaels Mount, two at Charlestown. I hope you like these as much as we do.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Husbands - Plural!
As you know I'm a bit careless with husbands ( I did keep the first one for 20 years)
These two pictures of my men are taken on our wedding days
The one below is the current incumbent of the title Mr Sass, he is also known as Ian/Eejit/Himself and Gopher - He's quite sweet really but for goodness sake don't tell him that!
I like to remind him from time to time that I AM careless with husbands and that is supposed to keep him on his toes!
I hope you love these pages as much as I do, they look wonderful in my scrapbook
My First Daisy Trail Challenge Entry
I couldn't resist taking part of this challenge given my love of tractors. The first picture is of the finished page which I was rather pleased with
My late husband John was a vintage/veteran/classic tractor man and my love of tractors come from the little grey fergies of my childhood. I have taken part in match ploughing competitions which made me a bit of a novelty being a woman and that. This always baffled me as the girls of the Land Army did some pretty nifty work in their day.
Please nip over to the Daisy Trail forum and see what other people have done with the image, there is some amazingly clever work and its always a good place to look place to look for member freebies. While you are there join the forum and vote for your favourite challenges - There are several challenges running at the moment.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
So a New Start
A taste of Sassie's Summer
This year we had the opportunity to stay in a friends house while they were away. It worked really well for us because my Nan spent most of her young life until WWII intervened living in Cornwall. She was desperate to go back to Cornwall as it might be the last chance she gets ( at 91 you have to grab opportunities while you can). So the first full week saw us trundling off dog included to Falmouth.
The picture above is very simply a merging of a photo I took at St Mawes (taken with Oggy in the other hand) and a picture of Nan taken on the Pier at Falmouth, just after I took the photo, she looked at me and said quite simply "I'm 'ome maid" funny how her accent came back strongly in those few words.
Now this is a really rare species-not often viewed far away from his habitat the man cave. This was taken at The Seal Sanctuary at Gweek. this species is best viewed in soft focus and slightly opaque. If you get the chance to visit the Sanctuary you won't be disappointed the scenery is breath taking and there is so much to see and do. You can also follow one of the resident seals on Facebook, just look for Ray Seal.
This is where I spoil it all. This is a picture of Nan, Sass and The Anklebiter of the male variety. I'm really struggling to master the cut out thingy but it is better than my first attempt.
This is a lovely free digikit called Totally Blue, it is such a lovely 2 free kits by Marniejo. This kit is just perfect for the lovely summer photo's and all the lovely blue sky we've seen this year.
Sad News - But Not Really
I have had to make a decision about my crafting and it has now been reached.
You may have noticed that I am posting very little on here now, and the main reason for that is my reduction in dexterity in card making. I am also doing very little knitting too for the same reason. My illness has progressed to permanent pins and needles and numbness in my hands and so reluctantly I have now decided to change the purpose of this blog.
The good news is that I am still going to be crafting - I shall be doing more machine sewing and more CAP work and posting on here. I will also post some of my 'makeovers' and general chit chat. I really hope that those of you who have stuck with me will continue to watch and comment. In the next few months the blog is going to have a face lift ( too expensive for me to have one ) and Sassie Acres is going to be moved into a new era.
Thank You all so much for sticking with me and for the encouragement you have given me.
All my love and Brightest Blessings to you All
You may have noticed that I am posting very little on here now, and the main reason for that is my reduction in dexterity in card making. I am also doing very little knitting too for the same reason. My illness has progressed to permanent pins and needles and numbness in my hands and so reluctantly I have now decided to change the purpose of this blog.
The good news is that I am still going to be crafting - I shall be doing more machine sewing and more CAP work and posting on here. I will also post some of my 'makeovers' and general chit chat. I really hope that those of you who have stuck with me will continue to watch and comment. In the next few months the blog is going to have a face lift ( too expensive for me to have one ) and Sassie Acres is going to be moved into a new era.
Thank You all so much for sticking with me and for the encouragement you have given me.
All my love and Brightest Blessings to you All
Thursday, 18 April 2013
I Can't stop Scrapping!
I am putting together a scrapbook for my Nan, she has boxes full of photo's that she loves but doesn't know what to do with. I have taken them and started putting them into Craft Professional Artist 2 to make page layouts. I hope you like them
I have had to leave photo's of my Father and his family out of my blog but they are included in the scrapbook, this is my page, from baby to 50
This is a page for my Nan's Father - Robert Johns in the bottom left he is about 3 years old and still in his 'petticoats' the one above is taken shortly before he died aged 79.
This page shows my Nan on her travels, she has travelled a lot and enjoyed it very much so there will be more pages like this to come. The one in the key fob is of my Nan and late Granddad - in contrast Granddad hated leaving home, this is them touching down in Spain, Oh how he hated every moment of his holiday in Spain! The one top right is of Nan and her friend and travelling companion in Venice and bottom right is Nan in Aidensfield Garage in Heartbeat.

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